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Rapport du Secrétaire général aux ministres 2015
ISBN: 9264236937 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

Secretary-General's Report to Ministers 2015
ISBN: 926423375X 9264233741 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

Comercio Internacional : ¿Libre, Justo y Abierto?
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9264219358 9264219293 Year: 2015 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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El comercio internacional afecta el precio y la disponibilidad de casi todo lo que compramos. Interviene también en muchas esferas, entre ellas, los empleos, el medio ambiente y la lucha contra la pobreza. A su vez, el comercio es afectado por diversos factores, desde los recursos naturales hasta la moda. La OCDE es la principal fuente de información, análisis y asesoría sobre política respecto a temas comerciales. A partir de esta amplia experiencia, en Esenciales OCDE: Comercio internacional, se señala que rara vez, por no decir que nunca, se ha logrado o sostenido la prosperidad sin el comercio. Sin embargo, el comercio por sí solo no basta. Para promover el bienestar y resolver los retos planteados por una economía globalizada, se requieren políticas orientadas al empleo, la educación, la salud y otros asuntos. “La OCDE es una de las fuentes principales de análisis profundo de las cuestiones actuales del comercio. También desempeña un papel al divulgar hábilmente los hallazgos de los escritos menos accesibles sobre el comercio. Esta breve obra es una adición valiosa a dicho esfuerzo y que los responsables de las políticas deberían tener a la mano.” -Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University ÍNDICE 1. Introducción 2. Cultivo de uvas en Escocia 3. Estado del comercio mundial 4. ¿Proteccionismo? Aranceles y otras barreras al comercio 5. Rondas de negociaciones de comercio y la Organización Mundial del Comercio 6. Comercio y empleo 7. Comercio y el medio ambiente 8. Comercio y desarrollo 9. Comercio y crecimiento 10. Comercio e innovación 11. ¿Qué gano yo con esto? Bibliografía

Advances on international economics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1443881333 9781443881333 1443878286 9781443878289 Year: 2015 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne, England : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,

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In a globalized world characterized by huge international capital mobility, there has been renewed interest in international economics in both academic circles and economic policy forums and supranational institutions. The recent financial and economic crisis, in particular, has raised questions concerning the usefulness of several economic paradigms accepted by both academia and advising government institutions.Advances on International Economics offers a broad overview of recent developments in international economics, both theoretical and empirical, adapted from contributions to the XV Conf

Regional dimension of the EU economic policies in Poland
ISBN: 9788380300217 8380300211 Year: 2015 Publisher: Warsaw Warsaw School of Economics Press

Global Economic Prospects, January 2015 : Having Fiscal Space and Using It
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1464804451 1464804443 1322877335 Year: 2015 Publisher: Washington, D.C., The World Bank,

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As in previous years, global growth disappointed in 2014, but a lackluster recovery is underway, with increasingly divergent prospects in major economies and developing countries. Looking ahead, growth is expected to rise slowly, supported by continued recovery in highincome countries, low oil prices, and receding domestic headwinds in developing economies. However, continued weak global trade growth and gradually tightening financial conditions will constrain the recovery. Risks to the outlook remain tilted to the downside. In addition to discussing global and regional economic developments and prospects, this edition of Global Economic Prospects includes four essays that analyze key challenges and opportunities currently confronting developing countries: fiscal policy as a countercyclical policy tool; causes and implications of cheap oil; weak trade that fails to act as an engine of growth; and remittances as a means of steadying consumption during sudden stops. Global Economic Prospects is a World Bank Group Flagship Report. On a semiannual basis (January and June), it examines global economic developments and prospects, with a special focus on developing countries. The report includes analysis of topical policy challenges faced by developing countries through in-depth research in the January edition and shorter analytical pieces in the June edition.

Pojišťovny ve službách hákového kříže : prosazování německých zájmů v protektorátním pojišťovnictví, arizace pojistek a mezinárodní odškodňování
ISBN: 8024628384 8024624958 9788024628387 9788024624952 Year: 2015 Publisher: Prague, [Czech Republic] : Univerzita Karlova v Praze Nakladatelství Karolinum,

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Publikace se zabývá rolí protektorátních poji&#x161;toven ve financování druhé svetové války a podpore nemeckého válecného hospodárství, zpusobem prosazování nemeckého vlivu v protektorátním poji&#x161;tovnictví, arizací &#x17E;ivotních pojistek a jejich organizací a fungováním zaji&#x161;tovacího obchodu. Autor zkoumá duvody vzniku mezinárodního procesu na konci 90. let, který se zabýval od&#x161;kodnováním pojistných nároku z období holokaustu, a odpovídá i na otázku, zda mohou je&#x161;te dnes lidé v Cesku po&#x17E;adovat proplacení &#x17E;ivotní pojistky za své zemrelé príbuzné.

Selfishness, greed and capitalism : debunking myths about the free market
ISBN: 0255366787 0255366795 0255366779 132256437X 9780255366793 9780255366786 9780255366779 9780255366779 Year: 2015 Publisher: London, England : The Institute of Economic Affairs,

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This IEA publication deals head-on with a number of widely quoted myths about the market economy. In the case of the philosophical myths, such as the idea that economists believe that everybody is greedy, the author, Christopher Snowdon, carefully and entertainingly unpicks the misguided ideas that have taken hold. The author then moves on and effectively disposes of a number of economic myths using empirical evidence that is often ignored by commentators.

Societies under siege : exploring how international economic sanctions (do not) work
ISBN: 0191813443 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press,

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Moving beyond the question of whether international economic sanctions work, this book explores how they work - or fail to work - to transform target societies and states.

The politics of evidence and results in international development : playing the game to change the rules?
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781853398858 9781853398865 9781780448855 9781780448862 1853398861 Year: 2015 Publisher: Rugby Practical Action Publishing

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